
Enjoy. Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


You know it’s there,
A blurry imitation of
The nearness of you.

You know it’s there
Because in reality
You’d wish it were true.

Your image will near and
I’ll be surprised, even though
I saw you from miles afar.

But I’ll tell myself,
"Don’t smile, because
It’s not reality after all."

Unless it is.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Fear overwhelmed me
With an unwanted
Serge of cold goose bumps.
Not one, but all fears.
All at once. And so
I stood motionless
Drowning in the fear
Of drowning itself.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Faded Ink

We were sure
We were forever.
But remember Love,
Even ink fades
If you rub at it.
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